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February 1, 2023 



The Campaign for Our Shared Future Condemns Attacks on AP African American Studies during Black History Month


Today, on the first day of Black History Month, the Campaign for Our Shared Future (COSF) Executive Director Heather Harding, Ed.D. released the following statement in response to recent attacks on the new Advanced Placement (AP) African American Studies course:


“The Campaign for Our Shared Future is enraged that the College Board is being pushed to remove key subject matter from the curriculum for its new Advanced Placement course in African American Studies, following recent political attacks by extremists like  Governor DeSantis and his political allies. Governor DeSantis is using his classroom censorship bill as cover to push his ideological beliefs on our children. This is the latest example of a radical politician attempting to disrupt the teaching of African American history in our public schools.  


“This news comes at the start of Black History Month, a time when the country is traditionally celebrating and honoring the contributions of African Americans. If we allow politicians to decide what our children learn, what’s to stop them from restricting lessons about Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? These politicians are attempting to score political points and are causing harm  to our children, educators, and families. 


“We can not afford to fall for this political scheme. Our children are being robbed of the ability to learn. They deserve the opportunity to be taught American history in its entirety, including Black history. 


“While it’s sickening that politicians like Ron DeSantis are choosing to attack the educational system and African American studies in hopes of elevating their political standings, it would be extremely disturbing if the College Board had submitted to political pressure and that any of the reported changes impede students ability to receive the inclusive education they deserve. We should be celebrating this timely addition to curricular options instead of censoring American history.”



The Campaign for Our Shared Future (COSF) is a non-partisan effort to support high quality K-12 education and preserve access, inclusion, and meaningful content in our schools so that every student has an opportunity to succeed and thrive. COSF is a common ground effort committed to fighting the attack on education across the country.

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