Education in America is Under Attack
Parents are feeling exhausted and voiceless. Teachers are leaving the profession in droves. And students have been left out of the conversation entirely.
Meanwhile political extremists are forcing politicians are using parents’ concerns to create chaos while radical politicians pass laws that are anti-student and anti-learning.

Who We Are
The Campaign for Our Shared Future (COSF) is a non-partisan effort to support high quality K-12 education and preserve access, inclusion, and meaningful content in our schools so that every student has an opportunity to succeed and thrive.
We are a common ground effort that provides resources for families to become knowledgeable about their local school boards. We teach them how to meaningfully engage with their boards, and if they don't like what their representatives are doing, we also teach them how to get out the vote. ​​
Additionally, we provide support to educators caught in the middle of culture wars. We counsel them on navigating political minefields so that they can focus on providing students with the best possible education.
Our Goals
Stop harmful anti-education policy from being introduced, passed and implemented at the local, state and federal level
Educate and organize partners from across industries, sectors, and communities to support high-quality, inclusive K-12 education
Shift the narrative about schools to center the needs of children and the positive impact of a shared inclusive education experience for our democracy
Build, mobilize, and strengthen a network of national & local organizations to increase a powerful, sustainable constituency for free, inclusive, & excellent K-12 schools
How We Will Win
Students and families are at the core of our work. COSF is creating space for them to become the leading voices in this fight. We know what is possible when they have a voice and when communities come together in support of children’s learning.
Through a nonpartisan, common ground effort, we are able to build power on the local and district level to fight back against the political assault on high-quality public education.
United, we will form stronger partnerships in school communities. We will also remove politics from our classrooms and protect learning. From this foundation, we can build great public schools that respond to children’s needs and teach necessary age-appropriate content.
Our battlefields are the school boards. Until recently, the school board had been an overlooked elected office. But political extremists have set their sights on winning thousands of school board seats around the country in order to undermine public faith in our schools and our national democratic project.