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April 20, 2023 



The Campaign for Our Shared Future Criticizes House’s Misguided Priorities Over Passage of Politics Over Participation Act (HR 734)

Our elected officials should focus on the real dangers facing our students instead of wasting tax dollars on political theater bullying vulnerable children


Washington, D.C. - Today, the Campaign for Our Shared Future Executive Director, Heather Harding, Ed.D., released the following statement criticizing the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the Politics Over Participation Act (HR 734):

“I am disgusted by the political theater that has once again forced its way to the top of the House’s agenda. This legislation is not about protecting anyone but instead targets some of our most vulnerable children in an attempt to score political points.

“Across the country parents, teachers, and students are begging leaders to address safety concerns in schools. These pleas are being ignored by proponents of this bill who want to distract from their inaction and would rather focus on which children can participate in school sports. 

“We need to protect our students from threats, discrimination, and bullying whether it’s coming from the playground or the halls of Congress.”


The Campaign for Our Shared Future (COSF) is a non-partisan effort to support high quality K-12 education and preserve access, inclusion, and meaningful content in our schools so that every student has an opportunity to succeed and thrive. COSF is a common ground effort committed to fighting the attack on education across the country.

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