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August 8, 2023 

Latest blog post on “The Unbiased Classroom” Expresses the Importance of Teamwork for a More Enjoyable Educational Experience

Washington, DC - The Campaign for Our Shared Future (COSF) features insights from Mohan Sivaloganathan, the CEO of Our Turn, a national youth-led movement that promotes access to quality education. In the latest blog post for “The Unbiased Classroom” he emphasizes the need for allyship and collaboration for a better education system. 

Read an excerpt from: Bring Joy Back to Education 

“Appa, did you know that planes have aerodynamics that help them to go faster than cars or trains?”

My 4-year old son loves school. Granted, every morning with him presents a new set of battles: brush your teeth, pick out your clothes, eat your breakfast instead of launching a new game at the dining table. But by the time we are walking through the hallway of his school during drop off, he literally forgets that I exist and goes marching into the classroom with confidence and excitement. He is eager to learn, discover, and have fun, and his school surrounds him with opportunities to be creative, make mistakes, and grow. As a father, I am compelled to resist the urge to envision his career as a pilot or astrophysicist. Instead, I try to situate myself as a passenger on his remarkable, ever evolving educational journey.

Sadly, my son’s experience is increasingly an anomaly in the U.S. educational landscape. More and more families are wary of K-12 schools as politically motivated firestorms that divert attention from the support that our students deserve, and teachers are so overwhelmed that many are inclined to dissuade people from the profession. Schools should spark opportunity, equity, and possibility, and yet, we are experiencing a rapid drainage of joy from education.

With a new school year upon us, I hope we can break away from a status quo of blame and polarization, and navigate toward a shared aspirational vision of education. There are three ways we can get started: building agency, investing in people, and fostering allyship.

You can read the full post here.

Sivaloganathan’s role as a father and his work at Our Turn provides an inspirational and thought-provoking perspective on the public education system. Education is about the people involved - students, teachers, parents, advocates, and more. Instead of creating a bigger divide, it is important that we look past the polarizing noise and invest in each other for a better future. 

COSF understands that a multitude of perspectives is important to the betterment of our education system. For that reason, COSF collects the perspectives and expertise of educators, parents, leaders and advocates to encourage honest and respectful discussions that can contribute to effective solutions for the success of all children. 


TheCampaign for Our Shared Future (COSF) is a non-partisan effort to support high-quality K-12 education and preserve access, inclusion, and meaningful content in our schools so that every student has an opportunity to succeed and thrive. COSF is a common ground effort committed to fighting the attack on education across the country.

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